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6G research

With every generation of communications technology, the focus of the network changes. The 2G and 3G eras centered on human-to-human communication through voice and text. The 4G era heralded a fundamental shift to the smartphone and the massive consumption of data. 

In the 5G era, the attention is now turning to machines as networks power the Internet of Things and industrial automation systems. In the next decade, as the 6G emerges, there will yet another fundamental shift – this time toward people who use those networks. In the 6G era, we’ll see a confluence of the digital, physical and biological worlds with human beings at the center.

Wireless AI Interoperability

Using 6G to sense objects in the real world

Hexa-X: Recapping the first steps toward 6G

6G getting into next gear

Nokia Bell Labs showcase first real proof of concept 6G systems at #MWC23

6G network as a sensor proof of concept

The journey to 6G, from early crystal ball gazing to crystalizing research concepts

Nokia and Bosch set a new bar for 5G positioning and look ahead to 6G

Gearing up for 6G

Nokia, DOCOMO and NTT make two key 6G advances

Making Sense of 6G security

What is 6G?