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Public Warning System

Geo-targeted, real-time and context aware alerts
to a population at risk


woman on phone

Large-scale natural and human-made disasters frequently put the lives and property of citizens at risk. However, many existing public warning systems (PWS) are not equipped to provide at-risk populations with the targeted, real-time alerts they need to ensure their safety. These systems are also not sufficient to meet current PWS regulatory requirements in many countries.

The Nokia Public Warning System solution provides the full end-to-end set of capabilities that governments and mobile network operators (MNOs) need to implement PWS services and meet PWS regulatory requirements. The solution includes:

  • An alert management portal and an alert gateway which enable governments to rapidly create, manage and geo-target alert messages.
  • A cell broadcast service-based (CBS) solution that enables MNOs to broadcast context-aware alert messages and warnings to mobile devices in a specific geographic area.
  • A location-based SMS (LB-SMS) solution that augments CBS technology with SMS communications and improved situational awareness for emergency authorities.
  • A package of integration services that enable governments and MNOs to define, design, deploy and test the solution across their networks with all stakeholders involved.
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Use cases

The Public Warning System solution supports a range of use cases that give public safety agencies and MNOs the communications speed, reliability, and control they need to provide timely and accurate alerts when an emergency occurs.

Increase efficiency and responsiveness

  • Define the specific geographical zones that require public alerts 
  • Quickly create and manage alert messages 
  • Perform analysis and reporting on the emergency campaign, including running diagnostics to determine exact delivery time and what caused failures

Improve critical communications

  • Simultaneously send near-real-time, high-priority alerts 
  • Engage users without affecting their privacy or requiring intervention 
  • Send unmissable alerts with an impactful look and tone
  • Reach millions of citizens regardless of congestion levels in the network

Improve situational awareness

  • Identify the location of people in affected areas to assist with rescue efforts
  • Count and track people as they enter, exit or move through an affected area 
  • Track SMS deliveries and subscriber nationalities 
  • Enable two-way communication

Benefits and features

Comply with global PWS criteria for alert delivery, message content and mobile device features, including 3GPP, ETSI and ATIS standards

Deliver emergency messages over all generations of mobile networks, including GSM, CDMA, UMTS, LTE and 5G

Support future evolution of emergency alerts such as multimedia-based alerts

Leverage leading partner solutions for governmental domain and alternative or complementary location-based SMS solution for MNOs

Improve situational awareness for emergency authorities by augmenting CBS with LB-SMS capabilities

Meet government mandates for emergency broadcast services as defined in various countries

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