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Emergency Services for Public Safety

Modernize your emergency services to enhance citizen interactions


Current emergency call infrastructures were built for a world dominated by fixed-voice communications. They can’t fully benefit from all the possibilities offered by smartphones and internet of things (IoT) technologies. Initiatives such as NG 911 or 112 are the bases from which the emergency services community can adopt new technologies. These will:

  • Precisely locate mobile phone in case of emergency.
  • Support all kind of media format (video, photo, text) that enrich situational awareness.
  • Use IoT sensors that improve the ability to detect abnormal situations in real time.
  • Send real-time, geo-targeted and contextual emergency mobile alerts to citizens’ cell phones.

These public warning and scene analytics solutions will improve the detection of an emergency situation and help to accurately alert the population. 

On this page

How do you add multimedia to 911/112 emergency services?

With NG 911 or 112, public safety answering points (PSAP) will benefit from multimedia and precise location information that citizens can send using their smartphones. 

To utilize this public safety system, you must modernize the ESInet call-routing network that interconnects commercial service provider networks to the PSAPs. You also must increase the capacity of this network to support much higher throughputs and new services. You must do all of this while maintaining high reliability and resilience. Finally, you will need to evolve the call control system to support new features as defined by organizations such as NENA or EENA. These steps will ensure you provide the right information to the right PSAP as quickly as possible.

Transforming emergency services communication in the age of IP multi-media

  • How emergency services organizations can leverage new data sources and rich media, such as video from smartphones, to improve preparedness and make faster, more informed and effective operational decisions
  • Steps required to ensure that “total conversation” occurs between citizens reporting incidents — using any type of media — and emergency responders
  • How to optimally bridge the gap between communications technologies available for consumers and those used by first responders
  • The distinctions between and advantages of SIP-based NENA i3 and IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS)-based solution architectures for modernizing aging emergency call (911/112) infrastructure

How do you leverage mobile phones to alert citizens?

Mobile phones are everywhere. That makes them a critical public-safety tool for warning and better protecting citizens in case of an emergency. To improve current warning systems, you must provide timely, contextual emergency alerts to the mobile phones of all people located in a defined area.

The means enhancing your emergency cellular network. Our public warning system solution uses standards-based, cell-broadcast and location-based technologies. These are ideal for quickly sending millions of specific, geo-targeted alert messages, over existing commercial networks, even with network congestion. 

How do you scale surveillance systems?

Public safety companies can leverage a broad set of IoT sensors to help detect emergency situations. These include CCTV cameras, microphones and motion sensors. But simply rolling out cameras and sensors is not enough to protect your citizens and assets. As they proliferate, you will need assistance to turn this massive flow of data into useful and meaningful insight.

A dedicated, multiservice IP/MPLS network will securely backhaul traffic coming from potentially thousands of IoT sensors. You can scale IoT surveillance sensors with great efficiency. This will allow you to reliably identify abnormal situations, even while the number of sensors deployed in the field keeps growing.

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