What comes in your mind if you read the word “Garage”?
Nothing to do with cars…. It is about technology, innovation and ideas!
It is difficult to give a unique definition, DaVinci Garage is a recipe with lots of ingredients: passion, curiosity, inspiration, experience, friendship, creativity... to make innovation reality.

DaVinci Garage was born within Technology Center environment in Nokia Vimercate, from the will to speed up the innovation process and to lead quickly to new business solutions.
Sharing knowledge, enjoying with technology and developing business are our foundation principles.
Who we are?
DaVinci Garage members come from different business units, dealing with different expertise and competencies.
Diversity is the key of DaVinci Garage work, oriented to transform innovation in business and cooperation projects.

Handshake the Bionic Arm
Presented at Nokia Meets Family in Nokia Vimercate, October 2019.
3D printed and assembled within DaVinci Garage. In-house software developed to control fingers and hand movements.
Hand remotely controlled, using voice commands, dedicated dashboards or through Microsoft Kinect.

Cloud Gaming over 5G
Presented at Nokia Meets Family in Nokia Vimercate, October 2019.
Smooth and direct playability executing games on a server and streaming the gaming data to the thin client device through the end-to-end 5G Nokia network.
Large bandwidth and low latency, ensuring optimal gaming experience.

5G Band breaks distance with Music
Presented for Christmas Event in Nokia Vimercate, December 2019.
Musical collaboration where the band components are split in two different 5G-enabled locations within Vimercate Nokia Buildings.

Smart City
Work in progress
Creation of a smart city scale model to demonstrate 5G use cases to make cities smarter, safer and more sustainable.