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Nokia Veturi program: Unlocking industrial 5G

Promoting productivity and sustainability across industries

Nokia’s Veturi program ‘Unlocking industrial 5G’ drives digital transformation across selected industries by combining radio technology, advanced algorithms and industry applications. Together with 120 ecosystem partners we have been developing new technology assets to improve productivity and sustainability.

Nokia’s Veturi mission is built on the following three pillars which together strengthen Finland’s role in its research and development portfolio:


  1. Speed: Capturing the Industry 5G opportunity calls for speeding up the development cycles and investments in SoC (System on Chip), radio and antenna technology research and SW development ecosystems which will support building cost-efficient solutions for industry partners. 
  2. Scalability & operability: Analytics, AI and visualization driven operability solutions and supporting ecosystems are the backbone for delivering Industrial 5G that add value. Industry 5G networks are used for many verticals in different ways and modern software, optimization algorithms and situational awareness capabilities 
  3. Solution focus: Co-innovation with industry partners is driving joint development of solutions that enable productivity and efficiency increase in every industry. This means focusing on selected industry ecosystems and driving development on areas where Finland is in a unique global position to test and deploy benchmark solutions.



Nokia’s Veturi project focuses on world leading research and development with the ecosystem partners related to the listed roadmap themes to pave the way to becoming the global leader on industrial 5G. This includes research in network and chip design, network management for industrial scale, and validating the end-to-end solutions with selected world-class industry partners in the industry verticals. 

roadmap diagram

Unlocking industrial 5G in a nutshell

  • Business Finland funded 3‑year program
  • Program started in July 2020, ended in June 2023
  • Program size of 50 MEUR



R&D projects (national & EU)


Ecosystem partners


Customer trials


Industrial incubation


R&D headcount increase in Finland

200 MEUR

Ecosystem investments on Industrial 5G

operations room

Co-innovation projects


System-on-Chip (SoC) HUB project aims at collecting the key players together to create internationally recognized competence concentration, strengthen Finnish integrated circuits design business and boost companies for developing applications using latest technologies such as ML/AI.

Visit SoC HUB home page

Smart Water Management - SWIM

This project tackle key barriers for digital technology adoption at water utilities such as cybersecurity issues, systems integration and interoperability, meter reliability and capacities targeting common development towards open architecture and standardization.

Next Generation Mining

NG Mining ecosystem needs to develop and build PoC demonstrators to validate the integrated connectivity solutions, which are tested in real harsh underground mining environment.

AI for Situational Awareness (AISA)

This project enables technology solution providers to demonstrate the total added value from digital solutions. Jointly, these partners form a diverse ecosystem of AI for situational Awareness (AISA). New services and technologies will be developed and demonstrated to further increase the ecosystem competence. In addition, this project solve key barriers for digital AI technology adoption at utilities such as edge computing, systems integration and interoperability targeting common development towards open architecture and standardization.

RF Sampo

RF Sampo focuses on solving the complexity problem in modern radio solutions related to their design and manufacturing. That originates specifically from RF hardware, software and system integration aspects for future industrial 5G. Challenges include increased customization and co-existing needs from users. Project will focus on RF and antenna technologies by modelling RF systems and related protocols with the increased system complexity, and designing new technologies, approaches and solutions for 5G radios and beyond.


This project aims for multi-partner academia-industry collaboration that produces an implementation of Risc-V microprocessor core, accelerator extensions verification, benchmarking, and programming environment that can be further utilized and development by industrial partners.  

Industry transformation boosted by 5G innovation

Conduct multiple case studies to analyze how 5G can leverage industrial transformation to improve productivity and sustainability. Book of the case study results will be published during autumn 2023 by the Wiley Publishers.


The Alpha project studies how to deliver integrated situational awareness. For this, it uses an innovation platform/testbed that supports cross-agency cooperation and aggregates and increases the value of data. The result will be more efficient decision making. The project develop data models which enable the consolidation of data from various systems and data sources. Data models allow the representation of user specific situational awareness for networked, federated cross-agency operations. The innovation platform/testbed is used to verify created general data models.

Ultrafast real-time control for additive manufacturing

Develop new capabilities to enable interoperability of industrial IoT for additive manufacturing.

Further information

circuit board


A new ecosystem initiative for a world-class co-developed Finnish System-on-Chip

Contact our Veturi team:

Jarkko Pellikka, jarkko.pellikka [at], tel: +358 40 7239 779
Veli-Pekka Luoma, veli-pekka.luoma [at], tel: +358 40 5743 489