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My FN Learning Labs

More than just a lab service

Get 24/7 access to multiple lab types and integrated exercises

More than just a lab service, My FN Learning Labs offers lab exercises complete with inline instructions and solutions, giving you everything you need in one easy-to-use browser-based application.  

Develop your hands-on skills by completing the same lab exercises from our hands-on courses. 

The lab interface is designed to connect with the various lab elements seamlessly, and by opening one of the interface tabs, users are automatically logged into most network nodes. 

Nokia My FN Learning Labs

Access to the same labs found in our instructor-led training.

Each lab type has integrated inline exercises with solutions.

Choose from flexible lab hours and purchase only the lab time you need.

My FN Learning Labs remote labs

Lab types

Expand to view more information about each lab type:

Lab pricing and reservation

The table below shows My FN Learning Labs pricing. The prices are based on 30, 90, or 150 access hours. Choose a lab and purchase lab time online with a credit card. You must create a Nokia Student Portal account to purchase lab time. 

If you have any questions or issues accessing the labs, please contact


Lab duration

Price (EUR)

Purchase lab time

30 hours 


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90 hours


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150 hours


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