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Nokia Border Gateway Protocol for Internet Routing

Course number: 3FL30634AAAAZZZZA
Course duration: 4 days
Price: €3,200

Course overview

The Nokia Border Gateway Protocol for Internet Routing course provides an in-depth look at border gateway protocol (BGP), the Internet’s backbone routing protocol, with a step-by-step analysis of its components and operation. Upon successful completion of this course, students will have an excellent understanding of the theory and configuration of BGP. All use cases and lab exercises are based on the model-driven command-line interface (MD-CLI).

Course objectives

After completing the course, students should be able to:

  • Describe the basic Internet Architecture and related elements
  • Describe the role of BGP in service provider networks
  • Demonstrate a sound understanding of BGP mechanics and the role of BGP attributes
  • Explain the interaction between BGP and interior gateway protocol (IGP)
  • Plan and implement a basic BGP network using Nokia SR OS
  • Successfully configure, monitor, and troubleshoot a network of multiple BGP peers
  • Implement BGP policies in a Nokia environment
  • Verify and troubleshoot the results of the policies configurations



  • Scale iBGP by deploying confederations or route reflections
  • Configure and verify BGP confederations
  • Configure and verify BGP route reflections
  • Describe the effect of using advertise-external feature on BGP route propagation
  • Explain BGP add-paths feature
  • Describe the operation of BGP fast reroute
  • Configure and verify BGP advertise-external, add-paths, and FRR on Nokia SR

Course modules

  • Module 1 – Inter-domain routing and BGP overview
  • Module 2 – Implementing BGP in a Nokia environment
  • Module 3 – Implementing policy in a Nokia environment



  • Module 4 – Scaling iBGP
  • Module 5 – Advanced BGP features
  • Module 6 – Summary

Schedule and registration


Nokia Border Gateway Protocol for Internet Routing

Price for this course is €3200 per seat

Duration: 4 days (9 am - 4 pm)

Course dates Sort descending Delivery Format Virtual Time Zone or Course Location Language Registration
- Virtual instructor-led Tokyo - JST English (US) Register Now
- Virtual instructor-led Paris - CET English (US) Register Now
- Virtual instructor-led Chicago - CST English (US) Register Now
- Virtual instructor-led New Delhi - IST English (US) Register Now
- Virtual instructor-led Paris - CET English (US) Register Now
- Virtual instructor-led Chicago - CST English (US) Register Now
- Virtual instructor-led New Delhi - IST English (US) Register Now
- Virtual instructor-led Chicago - CST English (US) Register Now
- Virtual instructor-led Tokyo - JST English (US) Register Now
- Virtual instructor-led Paris - CET English (US) Register Now

Nokia Service Routing Certification (SRC) Program and Confidentiality Agreement

Review the confidentiality agreement.