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PSE-V family: Going beyond the limit

How to scale network capacity with the latest generation of coherent optics

The Nokia PSE-V is the industry’s most advanced family of coherent Photonic Service Engines (PSE), powering the next generation of Nokia’s high-performance, high-capacity transponders, packet-optical switches, disaggregated compact modular platforms for data center interconnection (DCI), and Coherent Routing solutions. 

How can coherent optics solutions be optimized for all applications

With the PSE-V family, network operators can select the ideal coherent optics solution optimal for all parts of their networks.

The PSE-V Super Coherent (PSE-Vs) is optimized for maximum capacity-reach in the most challenging long-haul and subsea applications and supports higher wavelength capacities over longer distances, while further reducing network costs and power consumption per bit.

The PSE-V Compact (PSE-Vc) brings the flexibility of pluggable modules to coherent applications, and enables efficient scaling of access, metro and regional networks with 400G pluggable low-power digital coherent optical (DCO) modules.

The options provided by the PSE-V family of solutions allows network operators to scale the capacity and performance of their optical transport networks, while optimizing for the lowest total cost of ownership (TCO) across a wide range of network use cases, across access and metro networks all the way to the most challenging long-haul and subsea links. 

PSE-V coherent optics provides complete application-optimized solutions from metro edge to long-haul core

Benefits and features

PSE-V Super-Coherent Optics Take Coherent to the Shannon Limit

The PSE-V Super-Coherent (PSE-Vs) transceivers are optimized to provide the maximum capacity-reach performance over challenging regional, long-haul and subsea applications.   Available in a wide range of optical transport platforms including the 1830 PSI-M compact modular disaggregated transponder platform, the 1830 PSS integrated WDM/transponder family, and the 1830 PSS-x  P-OTN switches, PSE-Vs enables network operators to scale to the highest capacities at the longest distances across a wide range of core network applications.

Operating at 90Gaud speeds, PSE-Vs implements advanced features such as the industry’s only 2nd-generation probabilistic constellation shaping (PCS), continuous baud rate adjustment, and high-gain/low overhead forward error correction (FEC), integrated into a tightly optimized embedded or pluggable DCO transceiver.

These capabilities enable PSE-Vs to achieve the highest capacity per wavelength and transmission performance to within 1-2dB of the Shannon Limit over distances of thousands of kilometers in real-world networks.

PSE-Vs is optimized for use in 100GHz WDM channel spacings over highly flexible CDC-F wavelength switched networks, enabling spectrally efficient operation and seamless upgrades over existing WDM channel plans.


PSE-V Compact optimized for Access-Metro-Regional network scaling

The PSE-V Compact (PSE-Vc) is an ideal choice for scaling network capacity across a wide range of use cases in access, metro aggregation, and metro-regional core networks, in a pluggable DCO form factor that provides the flexibility to operate in both optical transport and router platforms.

PSE-Vc pluggable DCO transceivers combine low power consumption, 60 to 69Gbaud operation and high-order 16QAM modulation to enable efficient network scaling to 400 Gb/s per wavelength over several hundreds of kilometers.  PSE-Vc is available in industry-standard QSFP-DD and CFP2 transceiver formats and includes options for high output launch power for use across ROADM-enabled networks, supports both Ethernet and OTN clients, and provides interoperability with industry standards such as OIF 400ZR, 400G OpenZR+ and OpenROADM.


If you are looking to address the scale and sustainability needs of tomorrow’s networks Nokia’s sixth generation of super-coherent Photonic Service Engines (PSE-6s) opens a new frontier in scalable, high-performance, and power-efficient optical networking. Learn more.


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