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Transcend Network Automation Suite

Simplified network control with practical automation

The Transcend Network Automation Suite provides a radical reduction in complexity and improved customer satisfaction with time-saving management and open automation tools. A modular, application-based software toolkit delivers network automation solutions that support operational simplification, resource optimization and fast service delivery to transform networks.

Built on cloud-native technologies and open interfaces, Transcend unleashes the power of network automation with applications spanning traditional network management and SDN control to multi-vendor open optical networking, open restoration and pluggables deployed in non-traditional optical networking platforms. 

Transcend Network Management System

The programmable and extensible Transcend Network Management System (NMS) provides full end-to-end network and service management across multiple technologies and equipment vendors. 

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Benefits and features

Comprehensive network management functionality

  • Network discovery and topology
  • End-to-end service configuration and monitoring
  • Node-level troubleshooting

Easy to use

  • Advanced GUI and UX design for user-friendly navigation
  • Visualize the most relevant data
  • Minimize effort and errors even in extremely large networks

Scalable and easy to integrate

  • Flexible deployment configurations fit small to extremely large networks
  • Leverages standard northbound interfaces for seamless integration with other OSS software

Transcend Controller

Transcend Controller is an SDN controller enabling machine-to-machine automation of optical transport networks and offering intent-based network programmability. Open APIs and common data models abstract the underlying network and product-specific details. 

Intent-based service control

  • Define services by end points and service-level parameters 
  • Instantiate and continuously monitor resource assignments

Intelligent path computation

  • Optimize path routing with well-defined constraints including latency and fiber impairments
  • Dynamically reroute services

Open and orchestrator agnostic

  • Leverage standard northbound interfaces to communicate with higher-level management and applications
  • Flexibly and easily integrate into multi-domain network orchestration environments

Transcend open wave manager

Transcend Open Wave Manager (OWM) is a use-case-driven software application designed to ease the deployment and operationalization of multi-vendor disaggregated optical networks. OWM makes it operationally simple to deploy, operate and troubleshoot open optical wavelengths, including those from transponders/muxponders and coherent pluggable transmitted over third-party optical line systems.

Streamlined operations

  • Automated equipment and topology discovery across all equipment
  • End-to-end network and service visibility
  • Consolidated inventory

Simplified service creation

  • End-to-end connectivity verification
  • End-to-end optical circuit provisioning
  • Automated power settings 

Accelerated troubleshooting

  • Combine performance and fault management across multi-vendor equipment
  • Fault correlation to rapidly identify root cause

Transcend open wave restoration

Transcend Open Wave Restoration (OWR) leverages a path computation engine (PCE), real-time service provisioning and global network supervision to restore traffic efficiently in the event of transmission or equipment failures. OWR reacts to service impairments via programmable triggers. The application orchestrates the restoration of all impacted services on the lowest-cost layers possible to recover traffic. OWR identifies new paths and reconfigures the required resources to restore services according to user-specified policies. 

Modern SDN control plane

  • Leverages PCE and open APIs to enable efficient traffic restoration 
  • Enables optimal decision making with end-to-end network and service visibility

Operator directed

  • Supports user-defined policies and triggers
  • Enables customized decisions for tailored restoration behavior

Multi-vendor ready

  • Eliminates the complexity and lack of interoperability from vendor-specific GMPLS control plane implementations
  • Utilizes open APIs across multi-vendor optical equipment

Transcend intelligent pluggables manager

Transcend Intelligent Pluggables Manager (IPM) is a software application designed to support the seamless and consistent deployment and operationalization of coherent pluggables hosted in non-traditional optical platforms like routers, switches, compute platforms and 5G radios. IPM and OWM can be deployed as lightweight purpose-built applications or add-ons to TNMS. 

Flexible deployment model

  • IPM can be deployed as a standalone application 
  • IPM can be deployed as an add-on with OWM to support both embedded optical engines and pluggables in an open optical networking environment

Eliminate host software dependence

  • Avoid delaying advanced pluggables features due to host software updates and upgrades  
  • IPM supports host-dependent and host-independent management of intelligent coherent pluggables

Aligned with industry standards and collaboration

  • Consistent with Open XR Optics Forum specifications
  • Consistent with OIF Management of Smart Optical Modules white paper (May 2024)

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