ICC 2013

The International Conference on Communications (ICC) is one of the two flagship conferences of the IEEE Communications Society, together with IEEE Globecom. Each year the ICC conference attracts about 2-3.000 submitted scientific papers, a technical program committee involving about 1.500 experts provides more than 10.000 reviews, the conference being finally attended by 1.500 - 2.000 professionals from all around the world. IEEE ICC is therefore one of the most significant scientific events of the networking and communications community, a must-attend forum for both industrials and academics working in this area.

The ICC conference is a five-day event, three days being dedicated to the technical symposia and two days to tutorials and workshops. The program of the technical symposia includes oral or poster presentations of about 1.000 scientific papers, grouped into 12 thematic tracks, and 18 to 20 parallel sessions. In addition, the conference program includes workshops, tutorials, keynote talks from industrial leaders and renowned academics, panel discussions, a large exposition, business and industrial forums.

In 2013 the IEEE ICC conference will be held for the first time in Eastern Europe, previous conferences being organized in cities such as Ottawa (2012), Kyoto (2011), Cape Town (2010), Dresden (2009), Beijing (2008), Glasgow (2007), Istanbul (2006), Seoul (2005), Paris (2004) or Anchorage (2003). In 2014 the conference will be hosted by Sydney.

GreenTouch Member Involvement:

Rod Tucker will moderate and Technical Committee Chair, Thierry Klein will sit on the panel.

Panel Title: Collaborative Programs in Green Communications: Successful Cases and Key Remaining Research Challenges

Time: 11:00 – 12:30, Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Location: IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2013, Budapest, Hungary

URL: http://www.ieee-icc.org/programindpanels.html#P9

Technical Support:
  • TSCGCC (IEEE Technical Subcommittee on Green Communications and Computing)
  • GreenTouch
  • TREND (Towards Real Energy-efficient Network Design)
  • Mobile VCE (Virtual Centre of Excellence in Mobile and Personal Communications Ltd)
  • ECONET (low Energy COnsumption NETworks)

Panel Moderator: Rodney (Rod) S. Tucker, University of Melbourne, Australia

Bio: Rod Tucker is a Laureate Professor at the University of Melbourne and Director of the University of Melbourne’s Centre for Energy-Efficient Telecommunications (CEET). He is also Director of the Institute for a Broadband-Enabled Society. Rod leads a group of academics and students undertaking research on broadband access technologies and energy-efficient in telecommunications.

As research activities in the area of energy-efficient communications have expanded around the world, a number of groups in universities and industry have joined together in collaborative research programs. Examples include the GreenTouch Consortium, a global pre-competitive research consortium dedicated to improving network energy efficiency; TREND, a Network of Excellence on energy-efficient networking; ECONET, an EU-funded green communications program, and MVCE, a collaboration of networking researchers across a variety of institutions. The purpose of this Panel Session will be to provide a snapshot of research activities in these four collaborative programs and to provide an overview of the global status of green telecommunications research. The panel will review some of the successful cases that have been achieved to date and highlight some key remaining research challenges.


Speaker: Franco Davoli (ECONET), University of Genoa, Italy

Bio: Franco Davoli is Full Professor of Telecommunication Networks at the University of Genoa, Italy, where he is with Department of Electrical, Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering, and Naval Architecture (DITEN); his current research interests are in dynamic resource allocation and control in multiservice networks, wireless mobile and satellite networks, multimedia communications and services, and energy-efficient networking.

Speaker: Thierry Klein (GreenTouch), Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent, USA

Bio: Thierry Klein is currently the Head of Green Research at Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent leading a large team of researchers, engineers and scientists across multiple departments, research domains conducting research towards the design, development and use of sustainable future communications and data networks. He also serves as the Chairman of the Technical Committee of GreenTouch, a global consortium dedicated to improve energy efficiency in networks by a factor 1000x compared to 2010 levels. Thierry founded a start-up company focused on wireless communications for emergency response situations within Alcatel-Lucent Ventures. In 2010, he was voted "Technologist of the Year" at the Total Telecom World Vendor Awards.

Speaker: John Thompson (MVCE), University of Edinburgh, UK

Bio: John Thompson holds a personal chair in Signal Processing and Communications at the School of Engineering in the University of Edinburgh. His research interests include signal processing, energy efficient communications systems, and multihop wireless communications. He was deputy academic coordinator for the recent Mobile Virtual Centre of Excellence Green Radio project, which involved collaboration between five UK universities and a dozen international companies. He is member-at-large for the Board of Governors of the IEEE Communications Society. He was technical programme co-chair for the IEEE Globecom Conference in Miami in 2010 and is serving in the same role for the IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Spring in Dresden in 2013.

Speaker: Marco Ajmone Marsan (TREND), Politecnico di Torino, Italy

Bio: Marco Ajmone Marsan is Full Professor at the Politecnico di Torino, and a part time Chief Researcher at the Institute IMDEA Networks in Spain. He founded the Telecommunication Networks Group at the Politecnico di Torino. Marco Ajmone Marsan is the general chair of INFOCOM 2013.

He has received a "Honoris Causa" Doctoral Degree in Telecommunication Networks from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics in March 2002. Marco Ajmone Marsan has been the Vice-Rector for Research, Innovation and Technology Transfer at the Politecnico di Torino from 2005 to 2009. From September 2002 to March 2009 he was the Director of the Institute for Electronics, Information and Telecommunications Engineering of the National Research Council. His main present research interest is in energy-efficient networking, and in the applications of ICT for energy efficiency.

GreenTouch Member, Professor Jaafar Elmirghani gives tutorial presentation.

Tutorial: “Greening the Internet”

Time: 14:00 – 17:30, Thursday, 13 June 2013

Location: IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2013, Budapest, Hungary

URL: http://ieee-icc.org/programTutorials.html#T17

Abstract: Energy efficiency is increasingly becoming a key priority for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) organizations given the ecological and economic drivers. In this tutorial we will introduce and discuss a number of measures that can be used to reduce the power consumption in the Internet and will introduce methods for the optimum use of renewable energy in core networks to reduce the Internet’s carbon footprint at a given power consumption level. We will introduce network optimization through the use of mixed integer linear programming (MILP) giving a short tutorial on MILP and build on this and heuristics inspired by it to explore a number of energy and carbon footprint reduction measures including (i) Optimum use of time varying renewable energy in core networks; (ii) Optimum resource allocation and green network design with data centres; (iii) Dynamic energy-efficient content caching for video on demand, YouTube type content and IPTV (iv) Energy-efficiency through data compression; (v) Energy-efficient peer-to-peer content distribution (vi) Physical topology design considering operational and embodied energies. We finish by outlining future directions and open research issues. This tutorial will be of particular benefit to researchers and practicing engineers interested in energy efficient designs applied to the Internet and broadly.

Speaker: Jaafar Elmirghani, University of Leeds, UK

Bio: Prof. Jaafar Elmirghani is a Fellow of the IET, Fellow of the Institute of Physics and is the Director of the Institute of Integrated Information Systems and Professor of Communication Networks and Systems within the School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Leeds, UK. He was Chairman of the IEEE UK and RI Communications Chapter and was Chairman of IEEE Comsoc Transmission Access and Optical Systems Committee and is and has been on the technical program committee of 29 IEEE ICC/GLOBECOM conferences between 1995 and 2012 including ten times as Symposium Chair. Prof. Elmirghani was founding Chair of the first IEEE Comsoc Green Communications track at GLOBECOM 2011. He received the IEEE Communications Society 2005 Hal Sobol award and the 2005 Chapter Achievement award, the University of Wales Swansea inaugural ‘Outstanding Research Achievement Award’, 2006 and the IEEE Communications Society Signal Processing and Communication Electronics outstanding service award, 2009. He is currently an editor of IET Optoelectronics, Co-Chair of the GreenTouch® Wired, Core and Access Networks Working Group. He has published over 350 technical papers, co-edited “Photonic Switching Technology- Systems and Networks”, IEEE Press 1998, and has research interests in communication networks, and optical communication systems.


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