Membership Benefits

As a GreenTouch member, you'll be shaping a vision for the future of the ICT industry and for society and working to make it a reality. The benefits work in both directions – members derive significant value from their participation as well.  See the matrix of member benefits and privileges for details.

Joining GreenTouch provides the opportunity to get in on the ground floor of an entirely new direction in telecommunications research and invent the technologies on which energy-efficient networks of the future will depend. Membership also offers you the chance to work with world-renowned technology experts from industry and academia, and it provides access to a global network of organizations with innovative ideas and broad experience.

A member benefit of particular value, each Voting member of GreenTouch has access to certain Technology Rights owned by other active members in order to conduct scientific research and develop new technologies to realize the improvement of energy efficiency of ICT networks. Voting members are also granted a royalty-free, non-exclusive, worldwide license to use the GreenTouch Mark for their products and services that reduce or are directed to the reduction of energy consumption consistent with the purposes of GreenTouch.

Additionally, membership will benefit you and your organization, through:

  • Participation in collaborative research projects targeted to solve the major energy challenges facing ICT networks
  • Access to network data, models, trends, and metrics organized industry-wide for the purpose of supporting research
  • Opportunities to build relationships with experts across the community who have common interests
  • Active involvement in defining research priorities and objectives to address key challenges
  • Critical review and focus across the industry on specific research topics of interest

Academic and research organizations will benefit from:

  • Access to funding opportunities driven by for-profit members
  • Industry perspective and collaboration opportunities

Commercial organizations will have the additional benefits of:

  • Involvement in a community of experts engaged in research interests of your business
  • Opportunities to fund and accelerate research in the areas most relevant to you
  • Combining resources cross-industry to increase the value of your research investments


GreenTouch Member Benefits and Privileges

For-Profit Active Voting

Not-for-Profit Active Voting

Non-Voting Active


Technology License

Granted a royalty free, non-exclusive, worldwide license to use the GreenTouch™ Mark for any information and communication technology products and services, to the extent such products and services reduce or are directed to the reduction of energy consumption consistent with the purposes of the Consortium



Access to certain Technology Rights owned by other Active members in order to conduct scientific research and develop new technologies to realize the improvement of energy efficiency of ICT networks



Research & Development Access

Propose projects and contribute to the development of GreenTouch deliverables



Opportunity to fund and accelerate research in the most relevant areas




Combining resources cross-industry to increase the value of your research investments




Participation in collaborative research projects targeted to solve the major energy challenges facing ICT networks


Active participation in defining research priorities and objectives to address key challenges


Access to network data, models, trends, and metrics organized industry wide to supporting research


Utilize network data, models, trends, architectures, and metrics contributed to the Consortium


Collaborate with other members on proof-of-concept projects and other technical demonstrations


Access to research, technical information and other resources developed by GreenTouch

Early access to materials and documents under development

Governance and Voting Rights

Submit a nomination for the appointment of a Board Member



Eligible for Voting membership on all committees/working groups



One company vote at the Member Meetings of the Consortium



May vote on matters put to any general vote



Eligible to chair committees/working groups



Eligible to participate on all committees/working groups



Ability to collaborate with other members via the GreenTouch Members Community Website


Attendance at member meetings of the Consortium

Login access to the GreenTouch Members Community website


Access to a Community of experts engaged in the research interests of your business



Opportunity to build relationships with other experts across the community with common interests


Participate in technology demonstrations showcasing GreenTouch solutions


Showcase your organization’s GreenTouch advances via the GreenTouch public website


Company name, logo, and description posted on the GreenTouch public website

Use of GreenTouch member logo on company website to indicate membership

Leverage GreenTouch’s participation at industry events and conferences


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