Standards, Policies & Standards Working Group Projects
Energy Metrics for Users (EMU)
The project aims to i) design a Green Rating system that differentiates 'green' services offered by service providers and network operators, (ii) empower Internet consumers with information regarding the 'greenness' of Internet services that they are using, and iii) transform the usage behaviour of these consumers toward a more responsible and sustainable manner.
Application Taxonomy Project
The purpose of this activity is to construct a taxonomy of communication applications that can serve as a basis for the estimation of traffic characteristics and requirements associated with general application classes. The taxonomy is based on categorizing and abstracting the properties of present and possible future applications by defining typical ranges of key parameters that describe application requirements, such as bandwidth and latency requirements. The output of this activity will be in the form of recommendations of application categories and requirements to the GreenTouch Baseline Architecture. It is anticipated that the taxonomy will be used to structure energy consumption and efficiency model calculations.