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Data Centre TCP (DCTCP) was designed to provide predictably low queuing latency, near-zero loss, and throughput scalability using explicit congestion notification (ECN) and an extremely simple mark

The web services paradigm promises tremendous flexibility in the creation of rich composite services for enterprises and end-users.

sup 13C NMR studies of cuprates prepared from 2 equiv of organolithium reagent RLi and CuI or CuCN establish that they are both essentially monomeric "ate" complexes [RCuR] sup - Li sup + in THF.

It is an apparent paradox that although the measured frequency- dependent linear conductivity of sliding charge-density-wave (CDW) materials is well- described by a purely dissipative model of CDW

The van Santen and van Wieringen theory of "ionic radii" is briefly reviewed and extended to include spin-orbit influences.

There are many limitations in portraying our three-dimensional environment on a two-dimensional surface.

This tutorial will focus on personalization of web services, and of "converged" services, i.e. services that combine capabilities of multiple kinds of networks (wireline voice, wireless, data).

In this work, dynamically-tunable, superlyophobic surfaces capable of undergoing a transition from profound superlyophobic behavior to almost complete wetting have been demonstrated for the first t

In this work, dynamically-tunable, superlyophobic surfaces capable of undergoing a transition from profound superlyophobic behavior to almost complete wetting have been demonstrated for the first t

This paper describes a mathematical approach to transistor sizing.