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This paper describes "The Periscope", a probe tested in the Paris underground to better understand users' relation to space in mobility.

Mobile-based branchless banking has become a key mechanism for enabling financial inclusion in the developing world.

" T h e Stethophone," An Electrical Stethoscope B y H . A . F R E D E R I C K and H . F . D O D G E 1.

We have made essentially transparent metal films up to 300angstroms thick by photoelectrochemical deposition of platinum onto p-type indium phosphide.

Further growth of data centers is imposing to look for very scalable, cheap and energy efficient interconnection network inside data centers.

Just as the isotropic shielding has become invaluable for the chemical analysis of liquids, the chemical shielding anisotropy is proving to be useful in the characterization of solids.

Calculated chemical shifts are compared to the 100 MHz (13)C NMR spectra reported for PVOH in D2O and dimethyl-d(6)-sulfoxide by Ovenall.

A pressure-versus-temperature calibration of the (3)He melting curve is given for 1 mK

High-precision specific-heat measurements were made on pure liquid (3)He in both the normal and superfluid phases for temperatures between 0.6 and 5mK and for pressures between 0 and 34bar.

An important goal of recent injection-laser applied research has been the development of a laser structure that combines the desirable features of good optical linearity, absence of temporal instab